I've designed this poster for Anthony La Pia's first feature "After".
Synopsis :
A club in Paris. Driving techno beats sweep everyone away. People dance, consume and talk. Félicie meets Saïd and takes him to her place for an afterparty. On the cusp between night and day, different lives and views collide.
A club in Paris. Driving techno beats sweep everyone away. People dance, consume and talk. Félicie meets Saïd and takes him to her place for an afterparty. On the cusp between night and day, different lives and views collide.
For this poster, I've used a motion-blur generation software, traditionnaly used for video. Pushing this tool to its limits, I've generated a 6 minutes motion blur, where each image of the blur becomes a different face taken during the first sequence of the film. What appears then is a fog made of faces. Here is a screenshot of the first tests.
Pour cette affiche j'ai réfléchi à un procédé particulier, en détournant un outil de génération de flou de mouvement, ou écho temporel, d'habitude utilisé en vidéo. L'outil va chercher des images dans une séquence composée uniquement de visages en gros plans. On voit alors se former un brouillard de visages superposés. Voici un aperçu des premiers tests.